Jun 30, 2023

Marijuana and Hair Loss: Is There a Connection?

"There is little research into cannabis and its impact on hair loss. No definitive evidence exists that cannabis or specific cannabinoids can help promote or reduce hair growth."

A reader who requested to remain anonymous submitted the follow question:

So I'm not saying it's for sure the smoking, but I think it could play a role. I've been a regular cannabis user since maybe 2017. And maybe it's my age, I don't know. But my hair used to be a lot thicker. And a lot more lustrous. The strands themselves feel thinner than they used to be, besides there being less of them. I've heard that smoking nicotine can impact hair loss, but can smoking cannabis impact it? I know some people who say that it does, and I also know people who say that it doesn't, so I'd like to hear from the professionals on what is scientifically known. My understanding is that there's not a lot of solid information out there on what is true or not true about cannabis and hair loss, so any information available would be helpful. Thank you in advance for your help.

Thanks for writing in! We're happy to do what we can to help you learn about the interaction between hair loss and cannabis use. For this article, our expert is Lewis Jassey, DO, medical director at Leafwell. Dr. Jassey is an expert on how marijuana impacts the human body, and hope that you find our below conversation helpful. Best of luck in navigating this hair loss journey, and figuring out what's the right move for you!

Is there scientific evidence for if marijuana use impacts hair loss? If so, could you tell us about the research involved?

Dr. Jassey: There is little research into cannabis and its impact on hair loss. No definitive evidence exists that cannabis or specific cannabinoids can help promote or reduce hair growth. Few clinical trials exist, and we cannot conclude any hard-and-fast conclusions about cannabis' efficacy for hair loss.

 Some reports suggest that smoking tetrahydrocannabinol-rich (THC-rich) cannabis may increase hair loss, but a study has not confirmed this. There is some evidence to show that CBD oil could possibly prevent certain types of hair loss, however, other studies suggest that high doses of CBD may prompt hair loss.

What anecdotal evidence have you encountered regarding if marijuana impacts hair loss?

Dr. Jassey: Survey data suggests that cannabis use is common among patients with alopecia areata (AA), an autoimmune disease that results in unpredictable, patchy hair loss. Patients with AA tend to use cannabis to manage stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression.

There is strong evidence that cannabis can help mitigate the symptoms of other autoimmune diseases, such as Crohn's disease, psoriasis, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with such conditions often use cannabis to manage their pain and inflammation. There is little evidence on whether cannabis can help with AA directly.

What are the biological mechanisms by which marijuana use could contribute to/trigger hair loss? Share with us how it could potentially happen.

Dr. Jassey: These effects are cannabinoid- and concentration-/dose-dependent. CBD may cause hair loss at high concentrations (â‰Ĩ10 ΞM) but may encourage hair growth at lower concentrations.

THC can also increase cortisol levels in the body, at least in the short term, which means an increase in the stress hormone throughout the body. The human body naturally produces endocannabinoids that attach to receptors in various organs, including hair follicles. THC in cannabis attaches to these receptors in a similar fashion and, in doing so, can inhibit the growth of the human hair follicle.

 Are there any common conditions that prompt hair loss that may be more likely to cause hair loss than marijuana use? Could marijuana users actually suffer from these conditions, and mistakenly believe that their hair loss is due to marijuana use?

Dr. Jassey: Autoimmune and immune-mediated diseases like lupus, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis (MS), and rheumatoid arthritis may trigger hair loss. Many people utilize medical cannabis to help manage the pain, stress, and anxiety of such conditions, and the relief of such symptoms may help reduce hair loss compared to the rate at which cannabis use may prompt hair loss.

Those undergoing cancer treatment may also suffer from hair loss. The pain, anxiety, nausea, stress, and insomnia relief provided by medical cannabis may outweigh the negative of hair loss associated with cancer treatment.

What advice would you give someone concerned about hair loss triggered by marijuana use? What first steps should they take?

Dr. Jassey: Avoid smoking cannabis or using THC-rich products if hair loss is a concern. However, individuals with severe autoimmune diseases may find some THC useful for relieving pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

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